


1.我爱你。我想让你知道,你的爱对我来说就是我的一切。我现在 可以一无所有,因为你是我的惟一追求。

I love you and want you to know that your love means everything to me. I can live without everything now as I have you to live for.

2.爱,是一种温柔的触摸、悲喜的分享。一切尽在不言中,爱就来 到了你的身边。

Love is touches of tenderness, the sharing of tears and smiles. Knowing without saying, love is being with you.

3.你这个贤妻良母使我的生命之舟有了一个停靠的港湾,激励着我 迈向事业的成功。

Your briliance as a wife and mother anchors my life and inspires me towards achievement.





I wil give a milion years for just a moment with you.

I wil shed a milion tears for just a smile from you.

I wil give my sight away for a glimpse of you.

I wil walk a thousand miles to just be with you. 5.你是鲜花中的玫瑰,珠宝中的钻石,苍弯中的明月,我生命中的 灵魂。

You are the rose in flowers. You are the diamond in all treasures. You are the moon in the sky. You are the soul of my life.

6.我所做的一切都是为了你,我所想的一切都是为了你,我所梦到 的一切一也都是为了你。

My every act is for you. My every thought is for you. My every dream is for you.


We are two souls and one thought, two hearts and one pulse.

8你使我的生活变得如此丰富多彩,你已经成为我生活不可分离的 一部分。无论今后事情如何发展,我对你将忠贞不变。

You have added so much to my life that you are now an inseparable part of it. 1o mater how things will go,my love for you wil never change.


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